Braided Scarf

Soooo last week I told you I would show you how I braided my scarf in this post. Well, last week went a little off track and this weeks been pretty busy but I'm finally getting around to it! :)

It is super easy to tie/braid your scarf like this! If I can do it then you can do it!

When I worked at Talbots one of the other girls came in and showed us all how to tie our scarves like this! I miss working at Talbots and getting to play with the clothes! Making new outfits and learning about new ways to wear things! It was all so much fun!!

1. Loosely tie your scarf. Where you tie it will determine how loose the scarf is around your neck.

2. Rotate the tie to the side. The loop of your scarf will be one of your lengths for the braid. The other two lengths for your braid are the ends of your scarf!

3. Start braiding your scarf just like you would braid your hair. If it's hard for you to braid the scarf while you're wearing it you can always take it off and braid it on a hanger or a door knob or something! Sometimes it's just easier to actually be able to look at what you are doing!

3. Keep going until you don't have any more room to go and knot it off! And of course you don't have to braid it until the very end either! You can stop wherever you feel like stopping!

I think this is a great way to wear your scarf in spring, and especially summer!! You can still wear the scarf but if it's really hot outside the scarf is a little more contained.

This is just going to be a really short post! I have homework, rehearsals, and hanging out with my sister!! Kimberly is home and we have lots of singing to do together!! :)

I hope you enjoyed the post! What's your favorite way to wear a scarf??

P.S. Here's a TBT of Kim and I singing over Christmas break!! ...Clearly the hat is super fashionable and you should all be jealous!! ;)


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